I came upon a brilliant scheme when I was wandering along Piper Street in Kyneton on Sunday.
These fabulous red children’s gumboots sell for A$40 a pair at Annie Smithers’ Bistro, with funds raised going to the
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, set up by internationally-regarded Australian food queen,
Stephanie Alexander to educate school kids about healthy living, growing food, harvesting and preparing and sharing. It’s had an enormous groundswell of support and deservedly so. Any scheme with the potential to enhance children’s understanding of food choices, how food is cultivated, prepared and cooked has got to be a good thing. I am constantly amazed by the huge numbers of kids now in their twenties and thirties, who don’t know how to cook.
So let’s get in much, much earlier and give them the understanding and skills they need. http://www.kitchengardenfoundation.org.au/ http://www.stephaniealexander.com.au/
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