We came upon this striking brick bell tower at Cust, on our drive back to Christchurch from Oxford last weekend. I'm a big fan of old brick work. I can't explain why exactly but I think it might be something to do with the way it alludes to the traditional skills of old craftsmen. I'm a sucker for the old crafts. Put that together with church architecture and I'm there....with bells on.

bright cobalt blue doors and the wonderful old steel door knockers caught my eye too.

The cluster of buildings belong to the Anglican Parish of Oxford-Cust and the church -
St James-on-the-Cust, was surrounded by giant oak trees and lovely parklike lawns. A sloping lawn fell away at the rear, to a gully below. Sadly, as is so often the way these days, all the doors to the church were locked. I would have loved to have a peek inside the bell tower too. Perhaps another time?
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