Every time I drive past Lake Mapourika near Franz Josef in South Westland, my imagination goes into over-drive. There always seems something moody and mysterious about the place – its surface a near-perfect mirror for the brooding stands of kahikatea that fringe the lake edges. It’s also home to an amazing array of birdlife – some of our rarest species in fact, including the kotuku (white heron), bellbird, tui, Bush Robins, Grebe, Blue Herons and the rarest of all the Kiwi species, the Rowi. The Department of Conservation run a kiwi recovery programme on the far side of the lake. I arrived at the lake just in time to see Glacier Country Lake Tours hauling their red boat from the water after a busy day of tours. www.laketours.co.nz
Hi Adrienne,
This is easily the best photograph of kahikatea forest that I have found after extensive browsing of the internet. I run a website called envirohistory NZ http://envirohistorynz.wordpress.comwhich explores New Zealand's environmental history through short articles, reader contributions and a podcast. With your permission, I would very much like to use this photo, with full acknowledgements and a notice on permissions, in a short article about the history of the Waihou/Thames River. This would be based on Geoff Park's brilliant book Nga Uruora - see home page for an article that discusses this book. The site is entirely non-profit, and is something I do in my free (non-work) time.
I think your blog - and photography - is great by the way... I am glad I discovered it!
Cheers Cath @ envirohistory
Hi Cath,
Thanks for asking for permission to use my photograph - happy for you to use it - single use only - as long as it is attributed to me with a link back to this blog. many thanks Adrienne
Thanks so much Adrienne!
The post is now up. See: http://envirohistorynz.wordpress.com/2010/10/27/the-conquest-of-the-noble-forest-of-waihou/
Keep up the great work!
Cath @ envirohistory
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