In 50 years time, posters like these will probably be collectible - small windows into the social fabric and fashions of earlier times. Sirely I can't be the only person who feels compelled to record them?
Observations of Life in New Zealand (and sometimes beyond) through art, architecture, photography, travel, tourism, design, food, the quirky, the bizarre, the comedic - a few of the things I am passionate about. This is my world - a world of contemplations, observations and small adventures.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Scenes from a Demolition

It's being demolished after sustaining damage in both the September 4, 2010 and the February 22, 2011 earthquakes.
Designed in 1929 by B.J. Ager and built in 1930 on the site of the former St Elmo exclusive boarding house, it originally featured smart apartments. More lately an office complexit had a Category II Historic Places Trust listing. I took the following photos six days ago. A big crowd had gathered to watch and Police were out in force ensuring everyone stayed behind the barriers, although it has to be said, most of them were either drinking coffee, leaning casually on vehicles or taking their own photographs.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Filling in the Gaps

Established after the 2010 September 4 earthquake, Gap Filler has been going about the city bringing 'an alternative use' to the empty lots once occupied by recently demolished shops and offices.
These photographs were taken by Stefan Koppelkamm - some while he was travelling in East Germany in 1990, "after the fall of the Berlin Wall but before reunification" and others (the same buildings and same perspectives), when he returned to the city 10-12 years later. The exhibition is located at 63 Worcester Boulevard in the emply lot beside Christchurch Art Gallery. I suspect it was installed prior to the February 22 earthquake (judging by photographs on Gap Fillers website). Since then, some have been torn down, others 'grafitti-ed' over - all part of inner city evolution of course. I didn't linger here too long. The carpark has been cordoned off and I felt a little too nervous in the presence of towering high rise and old brick walls to want to stay and inspect every image. It did however set me to thinking how Christchurch might look 10-12 years from now. It's a very timely and poignant exhibition in that sense.

Gap Filler meanwhile, are going about their business as usual.
Their next planned 'happening' is the Gap Filler Fun Fair.
To be held at St Mary's Church Square in Addington from 11am to 4pm on Saturday, April 9th. All funds raised from their projects goes to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal and back to Gap Filler, to help them fund further projects.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Loss of Important Architectural Heritage

Friday, March 25, 2011
Sightseeing in Australia - 6

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
City Scene - 17

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Making it Real
I had made a point of stopping in an attempt to regain some sort of normality in my life.
But as I drive about the accessible parts of central and eastern side of Christchurch, I find myself struggling to comprehend the rapidly changing face of this place I now call home.

So imagine my horror when the February 22 6.3 struck and devastated much of inner city Christchurch - including many of the key heritage buildings that play such an important role in any travel guide. Now I have to rewrite the Christchurch chapter and I have no idea (yet) what I will put in it- what will be left to put in it. Suffice to say it will be short. In addition, I'm now researching and writing the 7th edition of Frommer's New Zealand and the Christchurch chapter there too, will also be much abbreviated because, among other things, many accommodation providers have simply gone.
Take Hambledon House on Bealey Avenue for instance.
This is what's left of it - above and below.
Once a huge, three-storey mansion with an elegant apartment in the old stables building, it has been reduced to a forlorn pile of rubble and twisted iron.

I feel sad in a way I can't even quantify.
And you know it's all very real when you army tanks and soldiers guarding the cordons currently blocking of the inner red zone of the central business district.
I also feel an incredible sadness at the loss of so many of Christchurch's beautiful historic churches. Anyone who has visited this blog regularly over the past three years will know I have a passion for church architecture, so seeing so many of them crumpled and ruined is difficult indeed. (The Rose Historical Chapel on Manchester Street top two images and Knox Presbyterian Church on the corner of Bealey Ave & Victoria Street above). I'm only pleased that my obsession with photographing churches means I have an extensive record of many of those now damaged beyond recognition.
As I write the caption for this last set of three images - a once-2-storied set of flats now sitting at ground level on Bealey Avenue after the bottom level collapsed on February 22, I realise this whole blog entry is all over the place - without focus - much like me and my work habits at the moment. I keep telling myself everything is fine - because frankly, after what has happened in Japan, to say otherwise just seems like self-indulgent whimpering. But it's all relative and you don't have to go far in Christchurch, you don't have to talk with many people, to realise that Christchurch as a city is seriously shattered and its people are stressed. I'm not going to include the standard addendum today: the 'we will rise again, Christchurch will be just dandy again soon' because frankly, I'm having one of those days when all that seems forever away. In the meantime, I have travel guides to abbreviate.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Roads Less Travelled

Friday, March 4, 2011
No Ordinary Bike Ride - The Christchurch Earthquake

It was not an ordinary bike ride. For a start I was wearing a mask and dark glasses - along with the obligatory helmet and gloves - all of which combined to make me feel like a special kind of idiot. But I was completely unrecognisable (that I didn't mind) and I was protected against the dreadful clouds of pale grey liquefaction dust that now swirl around the streets. As it turned out, the dust was the least of my worries. I came off my bike twice (delighted again, to be unrecognisable) - once when my front wheel came to a sudden stop in a pile of wet liquefaction and again when I was gazing at houses and didn't see a large hole in the road ahead.
Everything is altered in Christchurch after six months of continuing earthquakes. Everyone knows that now and I thought this broken suburban shop (above) a touching metaphor for that. With its roof askew, its sign on a tilt and its front glass panes broken and fallen in, it seemed a pale shadow of its former self - like so much of this shattered city.

I cut the rest of my trip short when I heard about the earthquake. People couldn't understand why I was suddenly desperate to get back to Christchurch; and as I passed a steady stream of cars heading south from Christchurch on the Wednesday morning, I felt physically sick and in fear of what I might find at home. My home in fact - the everlasting renovation project - once again defied the odds and stood firm - a few more perky little cracks to the plaster walls and foundations but a roof over my head at least. Unlike so many others on this side of town.
Whole streets in Avonside seem deserted. Abandoned. Eerily quiet.
Curtains hang lifelessly into the garden.
Roofs are bandaged with plastic and tarpaulins.
Fences and walls are toppled.
Chimneys have cavorted down rooflines and fallen into lawns.
Garages are twisted.
Decks are askew.

Too many more earthquakes and my old ruin may also give up; but in the meantime it's a 'safe haven' against uncertainty. It's a place I can come back to after these bike rides - where I can close the door and try and pretend life is normal. It's a place - an untidy place - that stores twenty-one years of my life in Christchurch... the physical shards of memory that I have stacked in cabinets and corners. It's the tatty place where I can switch on the computer and lose myself in writing, hoping the walls will stay firm long enough for me to meet the current pending travel guide deadline of July 15 - a 550 page guide I have yet to even start.
It's not easy to focus on writing when aftershocks rattle and rumble through the city.
That's why I'm already 2 weeks behind schedule.
And I panic when I see the precarious state of my office window, which now sits 3cm out from the windowsill - pushed casually awry by the force of too many earthquakes.
I hope it holds while I write about New Zealand's luxury lodges and glamorous hotel suites.
Like all of Christchurch's earthquake survivors, I tell myself how lucky I am to be alive.
I felt that before any of these bastard earthquakes hit; but now I feel it with a new intensity. I tell myself I shouldn't be moaning about having to spend five days digging out smelly liquefaction, or about a rotten window that has been unceremoniously hurried toward the end of its life and how I am going to get it fixed before winter when there is a shortage of builders in Christchurch; or about the multitude of cracks that have opened up in the fabric of this weird little place I call home. I tell myself these are minor things and that I must stop prattling on about it when people have lost family members in crushed city buildings.
But the strange truth of ongoing earthquakes is their ability to render us all victims.
We are all suffering in different ways and we shouldn't feel guilty about the small pains and worries. Any assault on our sense of normality, our inherent need for comfort, continuity, calm, control and connectedness is a legitimate cause for concern.
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