Saturday, April 3, 2010

Through the Cafe Window

One of my favourite activities in Melbourne - or anywhere for that matter - is cruising the city streets with my camera, always alert for a potential photograph, stopping here and there at a cafe to watch the 'world' go by. Cafe windows in fact are a favourite sport.
For me, there's something about the layering of reflections, graphics and human activity that serves as a metaphor for city life - that busy over-layering that somehow sums up how we fill our days with multiple activities.
Cafes and restaurants say a lot more about a city than we think. Certainly, in Melbourne, there's no shortage of either and they are in fact, central to the social fabric of the city. They're a statement about the people and the multi-cultural maze that makes up the population; they're a statement about preferred lifestyle; and they're a statement about architecture and design. And it's no coincidence that this small photographic representation features all Italian names - Italian cafes and restaurants reflect the large Italian population that calls Melbourne home.

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