I’ve prattled on about The Rees Hotel & Luxury Apartments in Queenstown before – both the hotel itself and its terrific restaurant True South and the beautiful dishes they tempt you with, from both a visual and a taste perspective. This time we’re taking a peek into their wine cellar – small but perfectly formed you might say. This is where they store New Zealand’s best collection of Bordeaux wines in partnership with the best of Central Otago. You can sample your fancy in their bistro wine lounge, Bordeau at The Rees – in fact, if you’ve gotten that far, you may as well go for the whole hog and try their full wine and food experience, setting the best of Central Otago against the best of Bordeaux, all matched with exciting seasonal foods from New Zealand and France. Their resident sommelier guides you through the experience and talks about the strong French influence in New Zealand’s winemaking heritage. Maybe they’ll even tell you why they spell Bordeau without an ‘x’ in Queenstown. And who knows, maybe your resolve will weaken and you’ll crack open a NZ$4,250 bottle of Chateau Lafitte that they have in the cellar. www.therees.co.nz
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