It's been a while - too long in fact - since I added to my Collectors Series. The reason for that is? Oops! I tripped and stumbled on to another collection of my own! But more on that another time. Here, meanwhile, is a terrific collection of tea cosies and other knitted novelties that I spied at the marvellous Christchurch second-hand store, Retropolitan (great name too) in Kilmore Street. I wonder what motivates we collectors? If anyone has a brilliant theory I want to hear about it so leave a comment. And if you want to see others in this series, click on 'collectors' in the below tagline, or put it in the search box above left.
It's a wonderful question - what makes collectors collect? Some think it's genetics, some say it's an escape, others are just plain obsessive. I did a post on my blog about this a couple weeks ago - http://www.collectorsneighborhood.com/blog/2008/09/why-do-we-collect.html.
hhhhmmm yes it is a good question Adrienne :-) What makes collectors collect? Just about every collector I know has a fragmented past of some sort... so in away they are hoarding a new heritage? To replace the one they have lost?? Either that or its a slight OCD??
Gosh! I've always wated to claim OCD as an excuse for the way I live...and all it took was calling myself a collector! :-) Life is deceptively simple. I'm relieved.
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