Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Stitch in Time

"Home Sweet Home" Zoe Thompson-Moore. Oct. 2008. Ajr
I got to ‘the little grey tardis’ that is The Physics Room Kiosk in central Christchurch in the knick of time - Zoe Thompson-Moore’s “Home Sweet Home” has just one more day to run. I love this mini exhibition space. It took me a while to happen upon it – at the intersection of High, Manchester and Lichfield Streets – but now I look forward to seeing how individual artists treat this miniature gallery - in a myriad of ways. Thompson-Moore has produced a meticulously stitched social comment that scrolls down one side of the case. It’s delicate, unexpected and at the same time, incisive and thought-provoking. You can see other earlier Kiosk works if you click on The Kiosk in the label line below.

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